TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 148)

It’s been a while since I last published a post.  I’m looking out of the window as I type this and once again it is raining in dear old Blighty.  According to my rough calculations this is the 180th consecutive day of rain.  I can’t be more accurate as I lost count after one hundred and something.

You would have thought with all this rain I’d be busy painting and blogging on a daily basis but alas that has been far from the case.  Fortunately I have found sufficient time to keep my hand in with painting single figures but any chance of a diorama is, for now at least, out of the question.  Even if I had the time I really have no idea what I’d do or, more significantly, where on earth I would put it.

So what have I been painting?  Well, very much figures I already have.  In fact I can’t remember when I last bought something new.  Notwithstanding the variety of figures available to me I’ve continued to stick with adding to my Baron’s War Knights and the pick of the crop is this little 28mm chap below.



24 thoughts on “TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 148)

  1. Great to see a post from you Dave, and the heraldry on this model hasn’t disappointed, and up there with your usual high standard.

    It does feel like we have had a lot of rain this year, so glad I live up a hill ! LOL

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Glad to see you are still managing to paint mate, and to such a great standard, the patern has come out really well on this one.
    It’s been raining here as well but I am near Manchester so that’s sort of a given, although it’s threatening to be a nice day today!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Stop Press! It hasn’t rained today in the North East, which must mean it’s due soon! I’m never going to paint knights because I know that the best I could do would be nowhere near as good as the worst you can manage! Exceptional work on the heraldry I think, Dave – you probably painted one little yellow or black square each day it rained to get through it so well! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Very nice to see you pop back up Hobby Dad! I started to think there could only be two possibilities as to why you’ve been absent. 1. You’d been recruited into MI5 as a spy and were currently residing in North Korea under the guise of a Doctor of History at a university. 2. You’d finally pursued your dream of being an international gigolo and were jet setting around the globe entertaining celebrity ladies. Lovely work on the mini mate and what a great sculpt that one is. I like seeing a bit of action on minis. When it’s pouring down for 180 days how do you get your lawns done. Stay cool mate and I hope the posts start becoming a little more frequent than once in a blue moon but at the same time you do what you gotta do my friend.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Actually sunshine you’re pretty close to the mark. Things are pretty hush, hush so all I can say for now is don’t believe everything you might see or hear about the new James Bond. 😉 Glad you like the little chap, he came out quite nice in the end. No mystery to cutting the grass, just have to get wet! Take care mate. 🙂

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  5. Sorry to hear about all the rain! I suppose there is no better time to paint than on a rainy day however. The knight looks fantastic and there’s no shame in painting more of them. I think you outdid yourself on the heraldry too. If you ever get in the mood for a larger scale miniature, I think you should do a knight and really go to town on the freehanding 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. It’s a good time for painting when it wet mate for sure but I have a mountain of outside jobs to deal with when the weather improves. As with life, you win some you lose some! The thing I like about painting knights is the freedom to paint and experiment with design and colour. Fantasy is the same too. 🙂

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    1. I’m glad he can paint up a nice Knight mini…kinda looks like he ripped someone off though…like TIM! Wait a minute…

      Glad to see you posting again. 😃
      We’re a pretty rainy city, but 180 days definitely has us beat! Hang in there!

      Liked by 3 people

  6. That barding and shield are the bees’ knees.
    Happy for you send some rain here, if you can- I live a bit north of IRO, and there have been only 3 days of rain in the last ten weeks.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The rain has been exceptional Dave even by UK standards. Global warming? Maybe but if the government had any sense they’d bottle it and ship some of it out. Liquid gold in some parts of the world. As it is I’ll do you a swap for some sunshine! 🤗

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