TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 149)

Three things have happened since my last post so I thought I’d share these with you.

Firstly, I some how managed to complete a few figures.  None are overly exciting but they’ve been hanging around for a while.  The two mounted figures are from the Baron’s War range and I think the other two are Footsore figures too.  I could check that out but I’m being bone idle and can’t be arsed.


Secondly, I broke the habit of a lifetime and bought some resin figures.  I saw them on Etsy and thought I’d take a chance.  My instincts said don’t waste your money but I ignored my gut and bought them anyway.  Moral of the story, trust your gut.  The figures were crap.  Why I bothered to clean them up I don’t know.  Why I bothered to prime them I’ll never know either.  I knew the shallow detail would all but disappear once primed and so it was to prove.  I know there are quality resin figures out there but I doubt I’ll trouble myself to find them.  Never again.

Thirdly, if you followed my blog in the days when I posted regularly you might rember this.


For those who never saw it and those that did but have forgotten it was a diorama entitled Death & Taxes: The Earls Visit.  It took 10 months or so to complete and took up 40 progress posts along the way.  It was a labour of love but one I enjoyed because the buildings produced by Table Top World are quite simply second to none.  The quality and detail is outstanding.

Completely out of the blue I got an email from Ivan at Table Top World asking me if I’d allow him to enter my diorama into their 2024 Annual Competition.  It’s a prestigious event to say the least and I had no hesitation in saying yes.  Better still he said I didn’t need to take any photo’s because he would down load them from my blog.  Couldn’t be easier for me so happy days.  Thereafter I gave it no further thought as there were a few weeks to go before entry to the competition closed and the results would be announced.  Given the standard of entries I had low expectations but I remembered all entries got a 20% discount in their shop which at the very least was a worthwhile bonus.

I had forgotten that the judging would take place on the 6th May with the result announced immediately after so I was surprised when I received another email.  Fully expecting a voucher code for 20% I was more than a little gobsmacked to read that I had won!  Simply winning would have been good enough but it turns out the winner gets a first prize of £500.00 to spend in the Table Top World shop.

My mojo needed a boost and it certainly got one.  I’m now working out how to spend the money and all of a sudden the creative juices are starting to flow on e again.  It is going to be a while before I get started though.  Whatever I decide to do needs research before I place an order and then it will take weeks for the order to arrive from overseas.  However, there is a good chance that another couple of dioramas maybe on the horizon in several months time.


In addition it seems my photo’s get to stay on the Table Top World Website for ever and a day and I’ve been given some special title for when I post on their Facebook page.  I’ll have to check that out out at some point.

If you get a chance the Table Top World website Gallary is well worth a look as is their Facebook page.

Until next time.


TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 148)

It’s been a while since I last published a post.  I’m looking out of the window as I type this and once again it is raining in dear old Blighty.  According to my rough calculations this is the 180th consecutive day of rain.  I can’t be more accurate as I lost count after one hundred and something.

You would have thought with all this rain I’d be busy painting and blogging on a daily basis but alas that has been far from the case.  Fortunately I have found sufficient time to keep my hand in with painting single figures but any chance of a diorama is, for now at least, out of the question.  Even if I had the time I really have no idea what I’d do or, more significantly, where on earth I would put it.

So what have I been painting?  Well, very much figures I already have.  In fact I can’t remember when I last bought something new.  Notwithstanding the variety of figures available to me I’ve continued to stick with adding to my Baron’s War Knights and the pick of the crop is this little 28mm chap below.



TIM’S Miniatures & Musings (No: 147)

When I last posted back in July I flagged that it would most likely be some while before I would get around to posting again.  Well I’ve been true to my word!  I could list the reasons for not doing so earlier but that would be boring and pointless.  Let’s just say that life all to often got in the way of my best intentions and doubtless will continue to do so.

So, in the modelling and blogging world of TIM what have I been up to?  Well if truth be told not a great deal.  As much as possible I’ve been reading the blog posts of those I follow and very occasionally commenting when time allows.  More often than not I’ve been reduced to clicking on “like”.  What I would say is that some great content has been posted but not it seems to me with the regularity of those Covid days.  It would appear that I am not the only one who has been preoccupied by the distractions that life brings along.  Few of us it seems are posting as often as we once did.

On a more positive front I have been keeping my hand in with some figure painting from time to time.  The idea for a diorama continues to allude me along with the necessary enthusiasm to get started on one.  However, with the wet days and the dark nights upon us here in the northern hemisphere perhaps things will change and my mojo will return.  In the meanwhile I aim to keep my hand in painting little chaps such as this one which Mark Farr featured in his Footsore Miniatures news letter a while back.


In addition to the above screen shot here are a couple of further photos.


As I said above, I won’t bore you to death with the various things I’ve been up to and that are going on these days save one which is the most relevant to the hobby.

It seems that my right hand is going the way of my late father’s which is to say the tendons are starting to tighten up which in time will prohibit my fingers for straightening out.  If it continues to deteriorate then my hand will become more claw like in years to come just as my dad’s did.  Ideal for Halloween perhaps but not so clever for painting.  Holding a brush will become much harder than it is now and the cramp which I already get from time to time will become worse too.  Typing wont be much easier either and will take even longer.  An operation might be the answer but I don’t recall it doing much for my dad and in any event it will have to get worse before the NHS will consider doing one I suspect.

I’m not entirely sure what causes it but my dad said it’s a genetic hand me down from the Vikings.  Whether that’s true or not I’ve no idea but it sounds cool.


TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 146)

It’s been a long time but TIM is back!  Not before time some might say, others might wish it were longer.  You can’t please everyone but this post will have to last a while before another appears so I’ve made it a lengthy one.  I hope you enjoy the ride!

Looking back I see my last post was published on the 1st January.  To be honest I thought it had been longer than that, it certainly feels like it.  Probably an age thing.


During my own publishing absence I’ve done my best to keep up with the posts of those I follow even if I’ve been reduced to just giving a “Like” rather than adding a comment.  Please except my apologies but the world of TIM has been a roller coaster for a quite a while and the ride doesn’t look like ending anytime soon.  I’ve also noted that several of our more prolific authors haven’t posted as often too.  A blogging trend?  Who can say?

Personally my own absence has been due to several things, a perfect storm if you will.  Initially I just found myself with less and less time and then I completely lost my mojo for blogging and couldn’t be arsed to continue with it.  That later led to a guilt trip and a short lived desire to start up again.  Short lived because I then found out I’d used my posting capacity up.  Having lost the will to post I saw no point upgrading my package to resolve the matter but equally I wasn’t driven to delete stuff either.  A women of course would be able to deal with such things.


Ideally I really need to completely review and possibly revamp my blog while at the same time reducing the number of images in my gallery.  However, that will take time and motivation that I still don’t have right now.  Instead I’ve done a quick fix to enable me to post this article and maybe a couple more or so further down the line.

Enough of the introductory waffle, it’s time to get on with this post while I still have the appetite to do so.


Figure Painting

The good news, well for me at least, is that whilst I haven’t been blogging I have been finding snippets of time here and there to keep painting.  No big dioramas are in the pipeline but I’ve been keeping my hand in with single figures and finished a small vignette (more on that below).  Overall I’ve produced nothing special but ideas keep entering my head and one day maybe my mojo, along with more time, will see some of those turn into a reality.  Come the winter months when there is much less to do maybe I’ll kick on.


Model Club

After several years of being a member of the Plymouth Model Club I decided to at last to call it a day.  The door is open for me to return should I wish to do so but in reality I don’t see that happening.  I’ve had my fill of World War 2 themed shows, club evenings and models.  A great period for scale modelling to be sure but there is so much more out there if only the guys were interested.  The club, rather like having a pet, was fun at first but sometimes life needs to move on for one reason or another and it’s time to let things go.




Life in the TIM household has been far from quiet.  My son has moved out to live with his much older partner and her two children.  They make a lovey family unit but I’d be lying if I said this is the future I envisaged for him.  My daughter is back from University where after only one year she has mastered life, learnt everything there is to know in the universe, treats She Who Must Be Obeyed and I as idiots but depends on us to feed her, pay her bills and maintain a roof over her head!  That said we love her and her older brother unconditionally but will welcome their greater maturity as they grow older with open arms.

SWMBO continues to do a great job of looking after me, this despite the fact that I have started to fall apart.  Recent dizzy spells (Vertigo?), hearing loss (I now have hearing aids!) together with a dodgy knee and elbow serve only to highlight that I’m an old and increasingly grumpy bugger. Enough of the cheerful stuff!  At least the dishes aren’t mounting up!


Bus Stop Wankers

Those of you who saw the TV series The Inbetweeners will be familiar with the phrase Bus Stop Wankers.  Whilst this little vignette is not intended as a homage to that particular episode it did inspire the setting for this little vignette.  Originally I had planned to just base each figure individually and a part of me still wishes I had.  Whilst the base is OK it’s not quite how I imagined it and then I got a little bored with in the end.  Still, it works for now and I can always break it up in the future if I want to.

The figures are all 28mm from Hasslefree and as much as possible I indulged myself with some free hand painting.  I was happy with how the union Jack turned out along with the smiley face and Bart Simpson T-Shirts and the combat trousers. Far less happy with the broken window but it is what it is.  The bus timetable and the Clockwork Orange poster were simply printed downloads.  The Bus Stop was from Sarissa Precision.

Images below.



Well folks that’s it for now.  If you followed this post to the end  then well done and thank you.  I will continue to read what you guys post but can’t be sure when I will next get another post out.  In the meanwhile I’ll leave you with a couple of funnies.  Well they made me laugh!090f9bf2b7ecab096c184731723767dee5a0a5d8a5bd3a9f04de1f23736bebb4


Until next time.


TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 145)


In past years I have looked back on the year that was but have elected not to do so this time around.  Last year, which thank goodness is now over, was one of sadness, anger, frustration and disappointment.  I’m sure the year had its good moments but as I reflect on the matter nothing immediately springs to mind. 

The New Year offers an opportunity for optimism and although some things will roll over from one year to the next I shall seek to remain positive that things will improve.  Alas I fear modelling and painting time, as well as blogging time, will be limited.  Therefore, as much as possible, I shall endeavour to focus on quality over quantity.  Quite what that means and how it translates into reality remains to be seen but for now that’s as much of a plan as I have for the New Year.


This Weeks Mini Is …

… another clown.  All in all that’s four I have done now, two from Reaper and two from Studio Miniatures.  In the last photo the Reaper figures can be seen on the far right and the far left and they are a little larger in scale.   No pun intended but they are fun to do.



Deep and Meaningful 

Courage is knowing it might hurt but doing it anyway.  Stupidity is the same.  And that’s why life is hard.


Christmas and New Year

Christmas I’m pleased to report went well but I’m thankful it is now over for another year.  As a kid I enjoyed it and I loved it when my own children were small.  I have a great many happy memories but over the last few years, and perhaps this one in particular, I’ve come to share my late father’s view that as you get older it can be a sad occasion.  It’s billed rightly as a family event but for that to really work you have to have a family which of course a great many people don’t have. 

Then of course there are the family members who have been lost but not forgotten who are duly rembered with sadness that they are no longer with us.  I guess it’s an age thing and somewhat dependent on your personal disposition.  And then there is the atrocity which is happening in the Ukraine and countless other inhuman acts happening elsewhere in the world which have devastated Christmas for so many.

I think this is why I much prefer New Year’s Eve.  It’s an opportunity to get together with good friends and get pissed.  For a few hours it provides the opportunity to put the world to rights, forget or care less about what is going on in it and just say “fuck it”.  The downside of course is the hangover the next day!

Happy New Year everyone.


Well It Made Me Laugh 



And Finally…

The role of a woman is to observe when a man is happy and then put a stop to such nonsense!


Until next time.


TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 144)

This Weeks Mini Is …

… not a Footsore Baron’s War knight.  Given the time of the year I wanted something seasonal, a figure which was festive and conveyed the spirit of Chistmas. 

Alas I couldn’t find anything suitable so I settled for a Nazi riding a Raptor!

Not a great piece but fun to do nonetheless.



Deep and Meaningful 

When it comes to modelling never be afraid to try something new.  Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic!


Merry Christmas


Despite everything that has been going on of late it would have been inappropriate not to have at least tried to get a post out before the festive season to wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas. 


Hopefully Santa will bring you and yours everything you wish for and that you and your families will have a great holiday.  Enjoy! 🤗🎄🍾



Well It Made Me Laugh 



Royal Mail

A few weeks ago I placed orders for some figures.  Christmas presents to myself essentially.  Whether they arrive just in time for Christmas of course is anyone’s guess right now.  Here in blighty we seem to have just about everyone on strike or threatening to do so. 

Now I’m not against strike action or anti Unions, both have there place and of course along with others I have my opinions on the merits or otherwise on each dispute.  The incredible cost of living rises are making life difficult for a great many of us, not just in the UK but globally too.

I’ve no idea what the solution is, it seems to me nobody does right now.  All I do know is the quicker the figures I’ve ordered arrive the sooner I can shut myself away in the hope that when I re-emerge it’s all been sorted.  Maybe I’ll have to place some more orders just to be on the safe side? 🤔


And Finally…

Remember, the chief cause of divorce is marriage!


Until the New Year!


TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 143)

This Weeks Mini Is …

… another mounted Barons War Footsore mounted knight.  Still a few more of these to do but at least this is another one off the to do pile.  Time to paint something else next though I think.



Deep and Meaningful 

When you truly don’t care what anyone else thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom.



The time gap between my posts seems to be getting longer and longer.  I think this is mainly due to the perfect storm which has been brewing over the last few weeks and is likely to remain until the new year.  The football World Cup, getting ready for Christmas, playing golf, trying to get out in the garden and looking after my mum has left very little time for anything else.  Something has to give and so what time I’ve had left has been spent painting rather than blogging.

Gazing into my crystal ball it’s hard to see things changing quickly.  The world Cup will finish of course and Christmas will pass by for another year but other things are on the horizon which will most likely fill the void.  The shorter days don’t help much either and the weather simply adds another obstical too.  Some how I’ve got to look at my time management and see what, if anything, can be better managed.

On the positive front I’m happy modelling and painting.  Maybe I’ll just have to keep my posts shorter? 🤔


Well It Made Me Laugh 



And Finally…

When your wife is mowing the lawn, that’s not the best time to ask when will dinner be ready.


Until next time.


TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 142)

This Posts Mini Is …

… not one but two Footsore Baron’s War knights.  I’m trying to get my backlog of these all done but I’ve a little way to go still.  Fortunately it’s not too much of a problem as I enjoy painting them although these two are a little scruffy for my liking.  I do have other figures to paint which aren’t Baron’s War ones so I will aim to mix things up a bit going forward for the purpose of variety.  For now though just painting figures is what works best for me.  That said I am mulling over a couple of little diorama ideas which may or may not get off the ground at some point. 🤔



Deep and Meaningful 🤔

Everyone appreciates your honesty until you’re honest with them.  Then you’re an arsehole!



Telford was once again a great weekend and the standard was higher than it had ever been.  This year’s competition was incredibly tough and was always going to be a hard act to follow given my success last year.  I only entered a couple of models this time around and neither won a medal.  I did however get a “Commended” for my Earls Visit diorama which I’m happy to take given the standard of models on show.  I lost to worthy winners so no complaints from me.  With all the will in the world I cannot compete with scratch builders.  I think I read that there were over 1400 competition entries this year which gives you an idea of the scale of the show too.

If you are wondering why there are no photos the answer is a lack of blog capacity.  I need to make some blog changes before to long as I’m nearing capacity yet again.  I would however recommend checking out YouTube and the IPMS Facebook page to see some incredible models as and when you have the time.

Meanwhile note to self – ” Must try harder!”


Climate Change

With COP27 in the headlines recently the subject of Climate Change has been topical in the house of TIM.  As subjects go it is one which divides opinion.  Personally I’m in no doubt that climate change is real and I’m equally accepting of the fact that man is adding to the problem.  Although I’m no expert on the subject I can’t help but wonder if the planet isn’t naturally evolving too?  After all we’ve had ice ages come and go in the past haven’t we so why the surprise that glaciers and the like are melting now?

Whatever the science there is one thing I am completely convinced of and that is the world and its politicians will never resolve the situation because they will never agree on what to do and then truly commit to it before it’s to late.  Political hot air is simply adding to the problem and far to many governments are only interested in the here and now.

Rather than waste time and money on how to halt temperature rises and all that it brings with it I wonder if scientists and governments would do better to spend time working on just how we can learn to live with it instead?

In the meanwhile I might see if I can come up with a Climate Change diorama of vignette of some kind. 🤔


Well It Made Me Laugh



And Finally …

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if there were no hypothetical questions?


Until next time.


TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 141)

This Posts Mini is …

… not a figure from the Footsore Baron’s War range!  I needed something a little different so I trawled through my box of outstanding bits and bobs and settled on this guy from Studio Miniatures.  Now when it comes to real life clowns I can’t stand them, l just don’t find them funny.  However, when it comes to painting them I love them.  An opportunity for freehand and colour expression which simply cannot be found easily in anything else.




This coming weekend sees me in Telford.  It is the biggest show of the year – Scale Model World – run by IPMS and purported to be the largest show of its kind in the world.  Hopefully it will be a fun time but for me this year is likely to be a muted affair as I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to produce stuff for the show.  If I get to go next year I’ll aim to get my act together more but 2022 has been a difficult one.  In any event I’ll let you know how it goes.


Social Media

I read an interesting article on the BBC News website the other day about a women switching off her social media accounts (BBC News – ‘It’s so liberating’: The people quitting social media – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63482162).  Apparently she found it liberating and better for her health and well being.  I can believe it.  I think social media is, for those who are unable to control there use of it, an addiction and a modern evil.  She put out a final post on the various platforms she used to say she was quitting and in response received numerous replies.

I quite admire the women for making a stand and I wish more people would follow her example but I fear it may be to late.  When people responded to her final posts with comments like “I wish I could do that” and ” you’re so brave” I despair.  Unless you are a business reaching out to the world using social media as a marketing tool then yes “you can do that”, you just delete the fucking app and forget about it!  Further, when you do that you aren’t being brave you are being sensible.  When you are faced by 4,000 Zulus and all you have is a rifle and some guts behind it then you are being brave.  


Well It Made Me Laugh …



Model Club

The first rule of Model Club is nothing really happens at Model Club.  Except last week something did!  Not only did a new member turn up but he was black, a person of colour I believe is the current phrase being used these days.  A very positive step it must be said and long may it continue.  

Now elsewhere in the country this is probably no big deal but Plymouth and the West Devon area is a throw back to the 1950’s when it comes to ethnic integration and aside from the Chinese and Indian take away families you’d be hard pressed to find someone who isn’t white.  So, as I say, it’s a step in the right direction.  I just hope he’s not into fucking WW2! 


And Finally …

Does anyone know what happens if you get scared half to death twice?


Until next time.


TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 140)

This Posts Mini is …

… again from the Footsore  Baron’s War range but he is a Gamekeeper and not a Knight. I’m sure he has a roll to play in the actual war game but he doesn’t really have one as such in my army.  He’s a nice looking character though and one I enjoyed painting.



Knights Gone By

As regular followers will know Knights have featured quite a lot in what I have been painting for quite a while.  Prior to that I spent a fair bit of time painting Knuckleduster cowboys.  The interest in both genres originated when I was a kid back in the 60’s.  A company called Brittains produced a range of plastic multi part figures called Swoppets and an example of a Mounted Knight and Cowboy appear below. 

By today’s standards they look very dated but in there day they were revolutionary and, as is the case if you look to buy them on Ebay now, the Knights were more expensive to buy than the Cowboys.  The difference in price given how precious pocket money was back in those days meant that Cowboys rather than Knights were collected and played with.  Nevertheless I’ve always loved the medieval genre and its colours and pageantry and still do.  As a consequence I didn’t need much encouragement to buy, paint and build my Baron’s War army. 





Model Club

In my last post I mentioned that I found my first visit in months to my model club a boring one.  A couple of you were interested in knowing why so I thought I would elaborate.  Before I do though I feel I should point a couple of things out.  Firstly, all the chaps at the club are decent guys so anything I’m about to say is not meant to be rude or personal.  Secondly, modelling is a hobby and like all such interests there are no real rights or wrongs.  Quite simply people should do what floats their boat and carry on enjoying what they do.  However, that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy or be a part of what it is they, or anyone else for that matter, does.

So what is my issue?  Well just about everyone at the club except me is very into World War 2 to the point where that’s pretty much the only historic period they have any interest in.  Further, when it comes to modelling, they build tanks or planes and nothing else.  And when I say tanks and planes I mean tanks and planes.  No figures, no basing, no Vignettes, no scenery and no dioramas.  Just tank after tank and plane after plane.  More to the point they do not appear to have any desire or interest in doing basing, scenery, Vignettes or dioramas either. 

Like I said, each to their own and it would be remiss of me to not point out that they build these kits superbly.  Their attention to detail is amazing and what they don’t know historically about the original tank or plane isn’t worth knowing.  But, and for me it’s a big but, they simply don’t appear to “get” anything else.  Other genres don’t seem to exist.  Let me give you an example.  Last year at Telford I won gold for a 28mm Mounted Knight.  It was a national winner but at the monthly club competion night it came fifth behind, yes you guessed it, some tanks and planes.  My point here is not my ego but that they have no idea what they are looking at or the applicable skill level involved unless they are looking at a tank or a plane.

As I said before, it’s each to their own.  If I think of the art world there are those who specialise in portraiture or landscapes so why are modellers who specialise in tanks and planes any different?  Quite simply they are not.  The problem is not so much with the individual but more the fact that there is a lack of diversity within the group and to be fair that’s not the clubs fault.  If I compare them to you, my fellow blog buddies, it’s clear that many of us as individuals have our niche interests within an overall niche hobby.  The difference is that as a group we all offer something different and not simply more of the same.

Maybe the model club will in time attract new members whose interest in the hobby are more varied.  Variety as they say is the spice  of life but alas there is not enough at the club for now.  I’d hoped after my absence that things may have changed but sadly they had not, hence my previous post reference to finding it boring.

I’m grateful to the club in many ways, if not for the club I wouldn’t have known about Telford or other shows, but when it comes to my niche interest within the hobby I have much more in common with those on the blog than those at the club.


Well It Made Me Laugh …


And Finally …

Have you ever wondered why no one is ever the right amount of whelmed?


Until next time.