C’est Quoi Tout Ça? – (What’s All This?)

Whilst it is true to say I have some French blood (a short story for another day) I cannot claim to speak the language with any level of ability.  At a push I can read a menu, fill up the car with petrol, get by in a supermarket and order any number of beers up to ten.  Accordingly any error in translation in the title of this post is down to Google translate.

This is the second model That I have managed to complete having been laying around for far too long.  In this instance the French mechanic was painted the best part of a year ago and that is as far as I got.  The original plan had been to make a bigger garage type scene with the British Despatch Rider who appeared in last weeks post but in the end the idea just fizzled out as my mind moved on.  There it sat until I went through my bitz box and found the dog.

The facial expression on the dog seemed to say “What, me?” and from there it was just a case of how best to represent it.  A trashed workshop came to mind and thereafter it was the simple matter of making it happen.  The figure is another 1/35th scale Soverign 2000 figure, the dog I have no idea about as it was a purchase from years and years ago.  Most of the accessories are from Tamiya with a fair bit of scratch building.

Apologies for the poor images below.  At some point I might try and retake them and lose the shadows.


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British Despatch Rider, Monte Cassino 1944

In the past it was very unlike me to start a model and leave it unfinished.  These days it is par for the course, I have so much unfinished stuff it is hard to know where to start.  I’m not entirely sure what brought this change about but I think a huge turning point was retirement.  More time to model and browse for new stuff has tested my patience to a higher level and the desire to move on to other projects has simply gotten the better of me.  With the lead up to Christmas and the excitement of lots more goodies due to arrive I thought I ought to at least make an effort to finish one or two things which have been around for far too long.

One such model was a 1/35th scale Soverign 2000 figure I had of a British Despatch Rider.  The Figure was painted getting on for a year ago and the motorbike, a Tamiya BMW as I recall, was built and painted around the same time.  There they both sat while I wondered what to do with them and then I completely forgot about them altogether.  Until now.

To get it done I went for a simple base in the end.  A bit of old plaster board for the back wall, a few plants for colour and a heap of rubble.   All basic stuff.  For the image on the wall I chose a religious theme having chosen to go with the Monte Cassino idea.   The image is the one clever bit which I will share with you.

Firstly you print off a colour image and cut it out.  Next decide where you want it to go, in this case on the plasterboard wall.  Apply PVA glue to the plasterboard (it could be a stone, wood or anything you want it doesn’t have to be plasterboard) and stick the image face down and leave to dry.  Once dry wet your finger and rub slowly and carefully.  The back of the paper will be removed but the image will be stuck to the plasterboard looking like it was painted on.  The downside is the image is reversed so if you must have it the right way round, words for example, then you need to flip them first before printing.

Photo’s of the finished model (eventually) appear below.


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Dad’s Army – Part 9 – Final (28mm Figures)

Welcome to the final installment of my Dad’s Army posts.  Nothing really to say that hasn’t been said already.  What we have here is the two final characters, the Vicar and the Verger.  Nicely cast figures and equally nice to paint.  Images of them both below along with a couple of group shots of the whole set.

With these complete I am reminded of the words of Monty Python “… and now for something completely different”.  Not entirely sure what that will be but I can safely say it wont be anything to do with WW2!


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Dad’s Army – Part 8 (28mm Figures)

All things being well this is the penultimate Dad’s Army post.  I’ve enjoyed doing the figures but I am itching to get on with other things now.  I have deviated a couple of times during this project due to the need to do one or two other things and post accordingly but I am now close to the finishing line and trying hard to maintain some discipline.

This week we have Frank Pike and Hodges the Grocer.  Hodges is the better sculpt in my opinion.  I am happy with the way I painted Pike but the resemblance isn’t there and if it was possible to achieve then it  needed a far better painter than me.

Only the Vicar and the Verger to go.  Hopefully I can get them done by next week and take some group shots too.

Images below.



Dad’s Army – Part 7 (28mm Figures)

Back to Dad’s Army civilian figures this week.

Today we have Joe Walker and Arthur Wilson.  Of the two figures Walker was the harder paint job and my first go at ever doing a striped suit.  Up to now I have either painted a jacket or trousers but never both on the same figure.  Time consuming for sure but I got there in the end and overall I am happy with the way the figure turned out.

Nothing else to say except images appear below.



Dad’s Army – Part 6 (28mm Figures)

This week we return to my Dad’s Army civilian figures.  Compared to the uniformed set these present a much greater painting challenge with an opportunity to apply a significant amount of freehand.  This time around we have Charles Godfrey and Jack Jones.

Not a great deal to add that hasn’t been said previously except that these days I am using less and less oil paints.  Why?  Simply because I have been trying to improve my blending work with acrylics and am reaching a point where I am happier with it.  So, is that the end of oils?  Definitely not.

Images below.



Dad’s Army – Part 5 (28mm Figures)

With the 8 uniformed figures completed my attention is now on the civilian figures.  There are 10 in this series due to the addition of the Vicar and the Verger.

First up we have Mainwaring and Frazer.  With the fashion of the day being pinstriped trousers and suits there is plenty of opportunity for some freehand work.  Each of the figures is composed wearing arm bands so there is also a need to paint LDV (Local Defense Volunteer) on each one.

As much as I enjoyed the uniformed figures these were much more fun and challenging to paint.




Dad’s Army – Part 4 (28mm Figures)

So here we have the final two figures in the Dad’s Army uniformed set of 8 figures.

First up we have Private Walker, described in the Warlord Games flyer as”… exempt from conscription in the regular army due to a severe corned beef allergy.  This frees him up to concentrate on his wholesale business – and with goods of all kinds in short supply Walker’s ‘connection’s can come in surprisingly useful.”

Secondly we have Private Pike for whom the narrative states – “The youngest member of the platoon by a long way, Frank Pike is an enthusiast of American gangster movies and proud custodian of the section’s Thomson sub-machine gun.  His mother insists he wrap up against the cold and frequently turns up on parade to make sure he is looking after himself.”

My attention will now be given to the 10 remaining figures.  As previously mentioned, the range comprises of 18 figures.  As well the 8 main character’s in uniform each one has also been cast in a different pose and dressed in civilian attire.  For those of you who remember the series an add on set featuring the Vicar and the Verger comprise the remaining 2 figures.

The civilian figures will present a greater painting challenge given stripped suits were the order of the day.  It will be interesting to see how that goes!  In the meanwhile images of the latest two figures below together with a group shot of all 8.



Dad’s Army – Part 3 (28mm Figures)

Apparently this is my 200th WordPress post.  Unfortunately I hadn’t appreciated until now that I had reached this land mark and therefore I have nothing more exciting to present you with than Part 3 of my Dad’s Army figures.  I’ll try to do better the next time I reach a blog milestone.

As I go on holiday today (by the time you read this scheduled post I will probably be on my way) I have been up against it this week to get the next two figures done.  I should also tell you that this will be my last post for a couple of weeks too.  Hopefully if I can get internet access I will try to keep up with what you are all up to but I wont be posting myself.  As much as I need a break I reckon you guys deserve one as well!

So, back to this post,  What we have today is Private Godfrey (Medic) and Air Warden Hodges.

The Warlord Games accompanying flyer refers to Godfrey as “… a veteran of the Great War whose frailty, age and weak bladder prevent him serving with quite his old vigour”.

Of ARP Warden Hodges it says “Hodges the Air Raid Warden and local grocer is Mainwaring’s great rival.  The pair are always bickering over the use of the Church Hall, which they share together with the Verger’s Sea Scouts.  He always begins any confrontation with Captain Mainwaring with a cry of, “now look ‘ere Napoleon!”  None the less, when it comes down to it, both know which side they are on.

So on to the figures.  Nothing much to say on the painting front other than both figures required a minimal amount of freehand.  I also think the sculptor did a pretty good job on capturing the image of Godfrey.


All being well I will complete the final two figures of the uniformed figure set when I get back but until then enjoy your break from me!



Dad’s Army – Part 2 (28mm Figures)

This week I managed to get two more of the 8 uniformed Dad’s Army figures produced by Warlord Games.

First up is Lance Corporal Jones followed by Private Frazer.  We then have a photo of the two together and one of all four figures that I have managed to paint to date.  All being well two more will follow next week.

Not much else to add other than they have been fun to paint so far and I’m looking forward to completing the rest.  The civilian version or each of the figures will provide a bigger painting challenge but hopefully that will prove to be fun as well.

The Warlord flyer which accompanied the figures describes Lance Corporal Jones as “… a veteran of Lord Kitchener’s campaign in the Sudan and no stranger to the rigours of hand-to-hand combat!  As he is prone to pointing out, ‘they don’t like it up ’em’!”

For Private Frazer the flyer states – “Frazer is the local undertaker and veteran of the Battle of Jutland.  He is openly critical of Captain Mainwaring’s leadership, though his constant carping is usually followed by the claim that, ‘I never doubted you for a minute, Sir!’ as Mainwaring triumphs yet again!”

