28mm Reaper Dark Heaven Legends Mini – Jack Harrison (The July Challenge)

Just managed to squeeze in a third entry for the July Challenge.  Not sure I’ll be able to do that for future challenges but on this occasion I was on a bit of a role.

This figure by Reaper  was clearly modelled on Harrison Ford in his role as Indiana Jones.  Presumably copyright was responsible for the name Jack Harrison being given to the figure by Reaper but I’ve imposed no such legal constraints on this little model of mine.

On close inspection it is obvious that the painted face is anything but a dead ringer for Harrison Ford, however, I can assure you that the paint job is the spitting image of Jack Harrison!  A fun model to put together.

Oh, and what has this got to do with July?  Well he’s searching for the Jewel of course!

Photos of the completed model below.


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37 thoughts on “28mm Reaper Dark Heaven Legends Mini – Jack Harrison (The July Challenge)

  1. Funny how they always talk about Golden Angles for taking pictures of minis. The front forward shot wasn’t doing it for me, but I was pretty blown away by the side view with the cutaway rock. That’s just really cool man! Of course, the best pic you saved for last, but you know. Great work, and congrats on completing your third Jewel challenge!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I did better than anticipated for July but August will be a challenge because I’m away for a large chunk of it so I guess these things balance out. As for the model, glad you liked it and yes I do try to save the best image until last. Also managed to use up some more Styrofoam block making the cave. Only another 5 to do something with!

      Liked by 3 people

    1. The thing is Jack never had one whereas his twin brother Indiana did! 😉 Actually the figure came with three different head options and a couple of arm options, one of which was cracking a whip. The trouble is the whip looked ridiculous in scale so I went the way I did. I did think of making a whip looped up and attached to the figure which would have been easy to do but I coulnt see how I could attach it without looking odd because of his jacket. The sculpt of the jacket was great so I didn’t want to mess it up. Well that’s my excuse anyway!😉

      Liked by 4 people

      1. There’s a plastic bit from a figure I’ve seen.. I think it’s a rolled up rope, but it’d work perfectly as a whip. And being plastic, you could cut it down to work with the jacket. I just can’t remember which kit it’s from, or if I have one. Useful, huh?

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Excellent stuff, in true pulp ripping yarns style! Love it! I notice that this piece, and the awesome Fantasy Island diorama, have tended towards compact base sizes but gain their impact from their height – is this you experimenting, or are you making the most of the display/storage space you’ve got! For whatever reason, I think it really works well!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A good spot John. It’s pretty much everything you have said plus a bit of OCD if I’m being honest! I like sets and I like things to have a bit of a constant. At the moment that’s Reaper figures on slightly more elaborate bases (the figures are nice, aren’t cheap so deserve a little more in my opinion) and as much as possible the same oak bases and ideally the same size! Pathetic I know but from a display perspective I think it works OK. It’s also a challenge to work with a limited foot print which I like and storage is also a concern which you have correctly picked up on. Glad you think it works. It’s great getting the feedback, stuck in our own little world’s you can never feel certain what works and what doesn’t!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That all makes sense to me, so thanks for your insight! Funnily enough, because I store everything away rather than put it on display, I tend to limit the heights of things, particularly scenery!

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  3. This is one sweet diorama, especially for those of us of a certain …vintage. Like Faust, I didn’t really get the full impact of it from the first picture until we went side-on, but then that last one! Too sweet!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad you like the little chap. I’m trying to make some of these little bases as interesting as I can. This one was made all the easier because of the iconic character. Some you win, some you don’t but we try! Meanwhile I’ve still got that bloody song in my head! Thanks!😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. The base does work well but as you say Indy is such an iconic character with so much background and 3 great movies that he fits in near perfectly with almost any background.
        The sad thing is I’m on the other side of the world and I also have that same song in my head right now. Power of the internet, Eh?

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Great job again ,Dave you certainly love punching out the minis, thankfully I don’t have to produce any work for your challenges ,I would always be six months behind !.
        Just when I had the hedges made in a method involving your string method I bloody well found a supplier of your great English product (rubberised horse hair ) in Melbourne , bugger me ,had to buy it didn’t I .Which way to go , string or horse hair ? ahh! .The old girl said stay with the original plan and wait until you have done your research on our trip, you studying the hedgerows up close while I have a cup of tea with some sensible locals.
        Sorry Dave, I’m always asking for things aren’t I (,spoilt child syndrome I feel )but I would like to see how you do the slate chipping method sometime in the future ,just out of interest.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks Pat. I’m enjoying these Reaper figures a lot, so much detail and the fantasy ones allow more freedom of colour. Quite a few more posts before I move on to something else that’s for sure. Ì think The Old Girl is wise. Best to make up your mind when you see the hedfes up close. Ì have seen some hedges made using coconut matting teased out. There’s not a great deal to the slate chippings to be honest but a model I’m working on will have a lot of them. When it’s finished I’ll do a “making of post” and include some details. Be a few weeks yet but if you need to know more before hand let me know.


  4. No, when you ready mate ,no hurry, I feel I have enough to do without going off on another tangent ,still have to finish painting the infantry before we leave , departure day is certainly coming up fast!.

    Liked by 1 person

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