“Dorothy” – A 28mm Twisted Miniatures Figure

Today we have a Twisted Miniatures figure from Demented Games based in Australia.  The figure goes by the name of “Dorothy” and is very nicely cast and highly detailed.  I bought a few figures from the range, seven to be exact, and have been slowly working my way through them.   Despite being distracted by other figures I have bought I now only have two more to paint.  I will get around to completing both of them, just not sure when!

Dorothy had plenty of detail to pick out which made her nice to paint but once again I can’t say I am very pleased with the base.  I seem to have lost my way a little just lately and this is some thing I need to focus on.  Despite that a deserved shout out to Kerry my neighbour who turned a few more wooden bases for me of which this is one.



28 thoughts on ““Dorothy” – A 28mm Twisted Miniatures Figure

  1. i do love the colours you choose to paint, they go together so well. The model is great and so is the base, i see the chatter wheel has been used on it, just lovely..

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Awesome Dave, I honestly wouldn’t have the patience to paint something like that. Weirdly enough the bit that totally clinches it for me is that you have painted the hole in her stocking. I don’t know why but that was the bit that made me go “woah!” Because of you and Pat doing amazing things I am wanting to do a diorama of a samurai and a ninja in a courtyard. I just need to find a suitable mini range and away I will go. I reckon I could do it in 6mm but it might be a bit small to see 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I’ve seen this sculpt quite often I think, unpainted at that.
    I think you’ve surpassed the expectations I had for it. You nailed that “it looks like it really lives and breathes”-feeling for me. Vibrant colors and this corsage are just great.
    One thing though: Do you have a tutorial for how you do the cobblestone on your blog? Really want to try it myself.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. It is awesome to see you paint this sculpt. I was eyeballing it a couple of weeks (or was it months?) ago when you started doing steampunk minis regularly. The sculpt has tons of textures and is challenging to figure out what colors to use and I’m impressed by your version. I love the colors and life it has! Were you at all tempted to do the yellow brick road? I have to admit, I was thinking Dorothy on the yellow brick road with some greenery around her so not far at all from what you did 🙂 Either way, great work!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Let’s see, just off to dig out the old thesaurus and look up synonyms for “great stuff” so I don’t keep repeating myself here 😉 I wouldn’t lose sleep over the base, it looks fine to me – fancy enough that it looks good but not so much that it distracts from the model itself.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Nice work, though I think that maybe the eyeliner is a bit overly-garish considering the rest of the model is also quite brightly coloured. For some reason this miniature was a very common proxy for Hans in Malifaux tournaments a few years back.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. You have done well on this fine figure Dave , as Steve said great work on all those details! Oh! the WordPress lurgy hit me yesterday when I was trying to post ship dio! total failure! but Tech adviser I going to see what she can do this arvo! fingers crossed!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Beautiful work Dave. Lots of details on the mini that you have captured well. I do think the eyes are better like this, though I do understand Argentbadger’s point. I would love to read more about your cobblestones process as well. My only microscopic quibble would be that the tufts block the boots a bit too much. And if I could paint leather as well as you I’d never block them. I’d use static grass or low-lying weeds coming from the cobblestone with maybe tufts on the side or back, but that’s me. And the purple highlighting and shading is just so well done. Thanks for sharing!

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