TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 67)

Welcome to this weeks Miniatures & Musings!


Hasslefree Miniatures do three versions of “Ray” based on Simon Pegg in the film “Shaun of the Dead”.  Having done the other two it kind of made sense to complete the set by painting the third.  In my case the third figure was “Zombie Ray” although in the film Ray never actually became a Zombie.  Some pictures below including a group one of all three.

DSC_0624 (1)DSC_0625 (1)DSC_0626 (1)



Well It Made Me Laugh …



Domain … Help!

When I upgraded my WordPress package a month or two ago it came with the offer of a free  Domain for the first year.   Unfortunately it would seem that theimperfectmodeller.com has already gone (there are two of us?) but theimperfectmodeller.co.uk is available.  I am more than happy with the co.uk extention, in fact as a Brit I think I prefer it but I have two concerns.

Firstly, given the glorified cockup WordPress have made upgrading (!) the editor how easy is it to change the domain address or am I better leaving things as they are?

Secondly, in past posts I have added links which contain my current wordpress.com domain name.  Do these links now need to be changed or do the links remain intact and link automatically to the new domain address?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Cheers.


Scale Model World Telford

Disappointingly but not surprisingly I received an email last week informing me that the show had been cancelled as a consequence of Covid-19.  This event is the high point on my modelling calendar and one of the major occasions in the year that I really look forward to.  The email felt like the final nail in the 2020 coffin notwithstanding that there are 4 months still to go.  My feelings and my mood can best be summed up in one word.  Fuck.


This week TIM has been listening to …

“Cal Me” by Blondie.  Popped up on a YouTube playlist.  Nice bit of nostalgia.


This week TIM has been watching…

“Defiance” starring Daniel Craig.  A film which came out in 2008 but passed me by until seeing it on Netflix the other day.  A watchable WW2 film made more interesting given that it is based on a true story. 

agle Eye 1-sht



If a women says you’re right that’s called sarcasm.



23 thoughts on “TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 67)

  1. Well mate these guys look like there doing what you would like to do to the WordPress 😉, nice paint work, I won’t say why but passing the tonsils made me crack right up !😂🤣🤣! Hang in there mate they are cancelling or moving some events that are dear to Victorian out of the state and can’t attend as we in Melbourne are like leper’s!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. i think the links will still be ok, but you can always ask a happiness engineer.. I quite agree about the year, i feel different somehow, i seem to loose more patience as the year goes on, it could be my age, but things bug me more. Not seen the film shaun of the dead but the modes look great, and i will look out for defiance on netflix..

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thanks for that feed back Steve. I’ll check things out regarding wordpress. I reckon it must be OK, after all I wont be the first person to make such a change. As for getting bugged by things I’m sure it is an age thing. My patience and tolerance is bordering on the non existent these days!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice paint as always! Really need to get my hands on more flowers and those bricks.
    You did fantastic with the blood-spatter-effects.
    Pegg was actually a long time favorite-actor for me, but the newer stuff he does isn’t much for me, even Slaughter House where he reunited with Frost was pretty meh.
    Congrats to the domain! I also think its more befitting to have a brit-address, way more unique than simply “.com”.
    Sad thing about all the conventions. I had to skip a birthday and a concert even this year.

    Talking about WW2 movies I somewhat can’t get myself to watch much besides The Longest Day, which has the legendary Luftwaffe-scene: Amis storming the beaches, sleeping Luftwaffe soldiers get called via land-line. Some time later 2(!) BF 109 (I think they used BF 108 for the movie, a civilian plane) turn up (with one of them being piloted by an actor I actually liked watching) shooting each one magazine and dropping their single bombs, and him saying: “(Name) “Let’s head home, this was day of grand German Luftwaffe!” laughing and flying off.
    If Craig’s in it, it could be decent.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Like you I do like Simon pegg movies. Most of those I have scene are good but there are a couple of duff ones in there too for sure. I do prefer WW2 films based on true events, regardless of whose perspective it is told from. The Defiance film falls into that category and told a story I knew nothing about at all.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Nice trio. The blood spatter is just perfect on the paddle (I’m assuming that is a cricket bat?) .

    So sad about Telford and all the other cons lost. When they come back, and they will, it will be epic.

    Debbie Harry and Blondie rock.

    I buy my domain just to avoid having the WordPress in the title. Not sure if it’s worth it but hell, it’s a hobby and as I’ve statistically (having just achieved 58 yesterday) gone from 72.57% of US life expectancy of 78.54 years completed to 73.84% – I plan to enjoy myself. I guess that explains why yesterday after seeing a hole in my 15 year old golf bag I was motivated to treat myself to a very high end new one that was on sale. Was $300 overkill? Hell yeah, but it was a $450 Ping bag (and I love Ping) and my birthday- and the wife gave me a card with $100 – so bang, I got it. So life as you know is short enough, maybe get that Austin-Martin you wanted!

    Sorry for the digression, must be approaching senility…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you are right, it is a cricket bat. As for enjoying yourself I think that is very much the right attitude. It is something I need to work at more. All to often I find myself fearing the worst in any given situation which does me know good at all. I guess that is just the way I’m built unfortunatley. Still I can give it a try that is for sure.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The one zombie movie I have seen is Shaun of the Dead and I enjoyed it so I appreciated this latest mini quite a bit. Seeing the three together is priceless too 🙂

    In terms of the URL, you should be fine to upgrade to .co.uk without messing up links. I think WordPress does it so someone can use either address to access your website so the old links aren’t affected by the upgrade. I know you can get to my website using either the old WordPress address or my new .com so I’d say go for the upgrade!

    My condolences on the model show being cancelled as well. It really has been a bad year and it feels like we’re all longing for normalcy to return without a clear indication of when it will happen which for me anyway, makes it all the more frustrating because you can’t really plan on when things like a model show will be back 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Excellent, EXCELLENT mini and paint work my friend. The blood spattering is just right. Sorry about Telford but I have a solution for you. Put photos up on a post of all the figures and dios you were going to take and we can all vote. The best part is, you’re shoe in for winning Bronze, Silver and Gold yayyyy!!!!! No idea about domains and .co’s but good luck 👍🏼

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeahhhh we’ll get through this shit mate. History tells us that when things go sour they eventually get better too. Hang in there. Keep painting, keep building dios and keep posting. I haven’t received my “Tall Order” for our little gifting challenge thing yet which is a bit odd. I’ll follow up today.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hopefully it will take a turn for the better soon, I’m sure I am not the only one who could do with a lift. Your figure has arrived but I have a horrible feeling it might be one you have so I am now looking at another one instead.

        Liked by 1 person

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