Lights, Camera, Action! – 28mm Hammer Horror Diorama – Part 2

My brother and his wife along with his son and his daughter visited us for a few days last week so little was done on the modelling front.  It was great to see them all but I’d forgotten how exausting a 4 year old can be.  It was as much as I could do to lift a brush after they left!  I did manage to get some further work on the base completed and the other three figures have now been painted.  I ran out of time to complete the whole thing for this post so a final part will have to follow in due course.

I’m still having my doubts on this one.  Since I started it I’ve had lots more ideas on other ways I could have put this together.  Not so much that what I’m doing is wrong  it’s just that the scope for using either horror figures and/or a film crew offers so many alternative possibilities.  Still, at least it means I’ve got plenty of future ideas to keep me occupied!

Latest progress figures below.


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22 thoughts on “Lights, Camera, Action! – 28mm Hammer Horror Diorama – Part 2

    1. Thanks Pat. Not sure it’s so much about pushing the boundaries as sometimes being inspired to do something different. As you know yourself this hobby of ours just has no limitations which of course is one reason why we love it. Learnt quite a bit on this one so I’m tempted to do something else along these lines in the future. So many models, so little time!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. My wife and I saw a stage show a few years back called “shadowlands” which was absolutely brilliant. Ever since then I’ve looked at shadows in a whole new “light” 😉


      2. That sounds like an awesome idea – perhaps the answer is to trial it with something more generic (like white card) before moving onto a dio designed specifically for a shadow effect. Once you’re comfortable, you could always return to this one (it’s a pretty awesomely dramatic shadow your photos captured!)

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Yes I think I need to try it on something else first. It was a lucky photo as you probably gathered but has highlighted a great idea care of IRO’s comment and observation. I think I need to get the outline on using the the light source and the actual shadow then shade it in. Got my mind ticking over for sure!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Pat’s right! I think this looks spot on! Captures the feeling of just completing a visit to the dentist perfectly! Oh, or is it meant to be something else? Just kidding, it really does look good – very atmospheric!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cheers John, learnt quite a bit on this one so might do something else in the future. Love the dentist reference, spot on. Now if I can only find a patient figure and a dentist chair I’d seriously love to do that one!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Eye-gor!

    Man, this is looking great. Love each new diorama idea you come up with, so fun to follow.

    I bought a book for my Wife, that tells you how to survive a toddler-apocalypse. Because Toddlers and Zombies actually have a lot in common.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Cool diorama, and I really enjoyed the shadow discussion above. The use of the lichen as moss works so well, and the walls are so damn spot on. The minis are superbly done as well.

    Maybe next time toddler zombies?

    Liked by 2 people

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