“Easy Boy!” – 54mm Cowboy (Circa 1865)

There was a time a long while ago when 54mm figures and cowboys in particular were pretty much all I painted.  These days as followers of this blog are aware I have dropped down to 28mm/32mm figures almost exclusively.  Occasionally I will venture into a bigger scale but it takes something special to wet my appetite and get my juices flowing.  Something like this chap for instance.

What we have here is a white metal figure by Romeo Miniatures comprising of approximately 30 parts.  It was a bugger to put together.  Partly because the figures I now paint rarely have very many pieces and partly because the gradient of the figure whilst making for excellent composition worked against me for holding, assembling and finally painting.  It’s very heavy too.  In fairness the accuracy of the fit was very good and only a minimal amount of filler was required.

On a personal level I love the composition and overall it didn’t come out too bad.  It warranted a bit of a scenic base but I chose to keep it relatively minimal so as not to distract from the figure itself.  Painting for this one was a combination of acrylics and oils with some dry brushing, ink and weathering powders thrown in for good measure.

Images below.


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25 thoughts on ““Easy Boy!” – 54mm Cowboy (Circa 1865)

  1. I think this is your best work yet – certainly it’s my favourite! I love how your browns are all so detailed but still different from each other. There’s no confusing the rider’s leathers with the bridle, or with the horse’s coat. Great stuff.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I really, really like this one, I added the extra really in there to let you know this has to be one of my favourites. So many browns all looking different, it really works well. I think the actual miniature pose looks great too.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Honestly TIM, seeing incredible pieces like this tells me that you really need to keep your hand in on the 54mm western stuff. As the others have noted already, it’s bloody amazing, and the work you’ve done on the browns, making them all look so natural yet differentiated from one another – and of course you already know how great I find your work on horse coats is.
    The composition on the scenic base is also really, really nice, and the overall piece reminds me of one time I went horse riding and the horse decided to go down a steep hill and all I could do was hold on for dear life…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Cheers mate, very much appreciate the positive comments. I’m sure I will continue to do the occasional 54mm piece and I suspect it will almost certainly fall into the Old West genre but key is finding a model which has the feel of being different. Items are out there that is for sure, I just need to spend some time doing some searching. Certainly the size looks more dramatic when on display. Meanwhile I am trying hard to shrug off an image I have conjured up of you going down hill on a horse ..! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. That’s fantastic – great model and great work painting it. The way you’ve captured the expression on the cowboy’s face is just spot on. Not sure I’d go so far as saying it’s your best yet, but that’s only because your standard is always so damn high to begin with 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Of course you must be doing a self portrait here!

    Great job, and just curious as to the epoxy or glue you use to assemble such a heavy model?

    And I for one am glad you vary your projects so much. Thanks for sharing, very nice pardner

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This is a great piece! There are some great Cowboy miniatures in this scale but few I’ve seen have such a cool, dynamic pose. When I see this cowboy, I think of someone going down the steep inclines of The Grand Canyon or some place like that. I agree with Azazel’s comments above that the colors are quite nice on this guy as well.

    Liked by 1 person

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