TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 30)

“HAPPY NEW YEAR” and welcome to my first Miniatures & Musings post of 2020!  I hope you all had an enjoyable time but more on Christmas, the year that was 2019 and the year that will be 2020 later.


TIM’s Mid Week Miniature 

I got very little done over the festive period due partly to obvious distractions and partly because I lost my mojo for a short while.  With family staying over, not feeling 100% and generally knackered I couldn’t be arsed to lift a brush.  The good news is my mojo is now back but the bad news is I need to get my finger out if I am to have more to post in the weeks ahead.

My offering for this week is a figure I painted once before for a small vignette.  This time I painted it as a stand alone.  IT is a Hasslefree figure which goes by the name of “Katie”.   She’s a tough little school girl with a lot of attitude.

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Christmas and New Year

Well both Christmas and the New Year have come and gone once again and now it is time to slip back into my familiar routine of mòdelling, blogging and, as befits my age, moaning!  Quite simply I have reached the age where I like some sort of routine.  Sad but true.

Christmas was fine but predictable.  I knew what presents I was getting because I bought them myself.  My family can be relied on to either not bother or buy complete shit so it is by far and away the best option.  I’m sure I am not alone in adopting this approach.  Annoyingly an expensive kit I ordered had a missing part which pissed me off to say the least and so now the back and forth emails begin to resolve the matter.  I sense Milliput will end up providing the answer but I live in hope.

The festive television was crap as usual but a few old films I hadn’t seen in a long while and don’t have the DVD’s of were fun to watch once again.  I suspect I will watch them again next year too!  On a more positive note I did manage to achieve my long held ambition of getting all the letters to spell out FUCK on the Scrabble board.  Unfortunatley this pissed off She Who Must Be Obeyed.  I’m still not sure if this was because my mum and dad were playing as well or if it was becasue I scored 39 points thanks to a triple word score.  In any event it remains my personal highlight.

New Years Eve proved most enjoyable.  The new owners at the Blacksmiths Arms decided to hire a band for the evening so a dozen of us got together for a meal there first and then settled down to drinking the night away.  The place was heaving and the band were excellent but the service was slow.  Well that was the excuse I gave my daughter who waitresses there for why I didn’t give her a tip.  When she leaves school and gets a real job she will encounter all kinds of people.  I figure she should come to terms with miserable bastards like me sooner rather than later.

Finally, on the subject of Christmas presents can I remind all of you that I gave books to that they are due back at the library on the 13th January!


The Year That Was and The Year That Will Be

It had been my intention to do a little summary of 2019 and a brief look ahead to 2020.  Unfortunatley time or a lack of it got the better of me so next week and/or the week after I will reflect on both.

I can however report two pieces of good news as we enter the new decade.

Firstly, it was rumoured that dirty Derek our village flasher was going to retire at the end of the year.  It turns out he has changed his mind and plans to stick it out for another year.  Well done Derek.

Secondly, as we all know Christmas is an expensive time of the year for us all but as luck would have it I have a meeting with my bank manager tomorrow and if all goes well I will be out of debt.  I’m so excited I can barely put my ski mask on.  Wish me luck!


This week TIM has been watching …

The Wedding Singer.  One of the many old films to appear on TV over Christmas but one I hadn’t seen in a while.  Dated in terms of fashion but a few laughs along the way together with a decent sound track.



This week TIM has been listening to …

“White Wedding” by Billy Idol.  Inspired by watching The Wedding Singer and his cameo appearance in the film.



Viagra wont make you James Bond but it will make you Roger Moore!


Until next time.


19 thoughts on “TIM’s Miniatures & Musings (No: 30)

  1. Nice post, TIM. When you find your Mojo, let me know if you find mine. I haven’t seen it for awhile now. Good to see I’m not the only grumpy bastard about right now, either! 😉

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Cheers mate. I figured something was up as I hadn’t heard from you in a while. As I recall 2019 was an up and down year for you so hopefully 2020 will prove to be a better one. I’m sure you will get your mojo back in due course. Something or someone will spark you back into life and then you will be back with a vengeance. Happy New Year to you and yours. 😊

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Excellent stuff, Katie is looking great. There’s so much personality in that miniature, I really should take a look for one myself – could make a fine addition to my collection of civilians. Looking forward to seeing what else you do in 2020 – assuming your meeting with the bank manager goes well of course, although blogging whilst on the run from the police could add an even greater layer of excitement to the miniatures painting process!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. You seem to be getting grumpier with old age whereas I seem to be getting better looking. Swings and roundabouts. Lovely little mini mate, she’s full of character that one. Did your parents notice your genius on the scrabble board? Do they still tell you off? Haha. I beat my dad in an arm wrestle when I turned fifteen, coincidentally it was around that time he stopped telling me off.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. When it comes to grumpiness I’m still serving my apprenticeship but I am confidently getting the hang of it and expect to pass with flying colours. As to parents it does help that they are both deaf and their eyesight isn’t much better given they are 93 and 88. I also wield the power over what home they go into so they tend to fall into line these days! Good to know you are sleeping well. I assume it is in your dreams that you are under the illusion that you are getting better looking? Show your wife a picture of me if you dare and that will bring you back down to earth! As I recall she liked my voice, heaven only knows what she would make of my looks! 😉

      Liked by 4 people

  4. Ha ha I bet your daughter loved you for the tough love. Another comedy post, looking forward to them continuing this year. Every time I watch the wedding singer I get the closing tune, from the plane, stuck in my head for days and yep sure enough here it is again.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Well, my Dad is 81 and has Parkinson’s, bad diabetes and cervical dystonia and gets confused a lot. And he falls, so as I write this (catching up on my nearly three weeks of blogging), I am watching my Dad at his house so my 78 year old Mom can get out of the house for a hairdo and lunch with a friend. She only retired two and a half years ago because she loved her job, but I constantly told her to retire much earlier as those years would be better for both health-wise. Being half-Finnish, my Mom is predisposed to being stubborn deaf to others ideas. Or maybe it’s her Swedish or Irish ancestry? Anyways, now it’s a tough go. I mention all this because I am retired now at 57 (unless someone wants to pay me a lot to do something interesting). Part of my inspiration to do this was what you shared in 2019. Part of it was long-term planning, and part of it was not finding anything interesting to do since getting laid off last June! Certainly you had a hand in pushing me past the point of decision. Now my hobby stuff takes up a lot more of my time! I certainly wanted to retire before my health goes south.

    Great post! Katie is a cool figure and I love the trash can lid as a shield. Made me think, when was the last time I saw a metal trash can with a lid? Been a long time. Great work on her as usual.

    Glad also to see your teaching valuable lessons to your daughter, as long as the other staff don’t teach her to contaminate the food of cheap tippers…

    Looking forward to more of your wit and wisdom in 2020, as long as you don’t recommend returning to the active workforce!

    Liked by 2 people

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